首页 - 版画名家 - 郑荣国
艺术家郑荣国简介1943年生于重庆。 1965年毕业于四川美术学院附中。 1969年毕业于四川美术学院。供职昆明理工大学。 中国美术家协会会员、国家高级工艺美术师。 长时间 努力 水彩画创作及情势 研讨 ,作品地域特色浓郁,多次入选国家、省级美展,多件作品被海内外艺术机构和个人收藏。 出版有《高天流云-郑荣国水彩画集》、《郑荣国风俗画集》、《感恩大自然》大理写生作品选、《高原回望》郑荣国水彩画选Introduction to the artistWas born at Chongqing 1943. Was graduated from attached middle school of Sichuan academy of fine arts 1965. Was graduated from Sichuan academy of fine arts 1969. College of industry of grain of hold post Kunming. Chinese artist academician, country is high division of arts and crafts. Be dedicated to aquarelle creation and formal research for a long time, work terrain distinguishing feature is full-bodied, for many times selected country, provincial beauty is exhibited, many work is collected by global artistic orgnaization and individual. Publish have " tall Tian Liuyun - Zheng Rong country aquarelle collect " , " common draws Zheng Rong Guofeng collect " , " be thankful nature " sketchy work chooses Dali, " highland is answered look " Zheng Rong Guoshui