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艺术家喻文简介喻文(1938.1—)别名郁文,湖南邵阳人。擅长工艺美术。青少年起即从事翻黄竹刻工艺美术,以翻黄竹板作材料进行版画创作。邵阳市竹艺厂设计室主任。作品有《沸腾的林场》、《处处桃花源》、《纺织曲》等。Introduction to the artistYu Wen (1938.1, ) alias Yu Wen, hunan Shao in relief person. Be good at arts and crafts. Adolescent rises to be engaged in turning over arts and crafts of yellow bamboo carving namely, make material in order to turn over yellow bamboo clappers undertake woodcut is created. Director of drawing office of Zhu Yi plant of Shao Yang city. Work has " boiling forestry centre " , " everywhere peach blossom source " , " spin music " etc.